
The Art of Restful Leadership

We believe that self-care is a natural, sovereign and spontaneous act of radically accepting, and tending to, your needs.

And when you give yourself permission to rest, you give others permission to do the same. We believe that the ability to rest and practice self-care is critical to how we lead and how we show up in life. And it all begins with being aware of your body. To connect with the body is to be grounded in the biological reality of existence; be grounded in your human-ness.


“The antidote to exhaustion is not rest, it is whole-heartedness.”

David Whyte


What we do


We work with leaders, teams, consultancies and facilitators to increase awareness of personal sovereignty and nervous system regulation so that they have skills, knowledge and capacity to navigate the complexity of health, life and work. 

Who we are


Dr. Jaime Lee is a medical doctor, teacher and facilitates team and systemic healing. She is committed to transforming leaders’ ability to live, love and lead through the power of rest.


Our Services


Science-based and heart-opening experiences for leaders, teams and consultancies to enhance rest and elevate connection.

Programs & Retreats


Join Dr. Jaime Lee on her transformational and experiential retreats, online or in-person.